Product Description
Through the book “Everyday Saints” , using the example of the life of our contemporaries, we see very important that such a rare thing in our time as a true spiritual life is not for the saints alone, from whom we are separated by centuries of history. True spiritual life is possible in all circumstances and conditions, including the unfavorable ones. This book doesn’t have high theology in an intellectual sense. But what’s mostly wonderful about this book is that it narrates about life experience with God within everyday life. Specifically in everyday life we are able to verify the depth of our faith that we usually talk about. The real cases described in this book took place in a distant province in Soviet Russia and tell us that there is no place where the Grace of God couldn’t reach us, or the period of time where it can’t function. Publication of this book in Chinese will contribute to the normalization of the situation of the Church in mainland China - not so much in the sense of solving the numerous administrative problems of the Chinese Orthodox Church, but, to a greater extent, but in the sense of improving spiritual life, for which as we see from the content of this book, external adverse conditions are not an obstacle.
Product Information
Author | Metropolitan Tikhon (Shevkunov) |
Translator | 刘文飞 |
Publication date | 2019-02-20 |
Language | 简体中文 |
Num. of pages | 395 |