Catechism. A Short Guide to the Orthodox Faith (Trad. characters)

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Product Description

The book is a short guide to the Orthodox faith, written in a living, accessible, modern language. The first section of the book is devoted to the basic doctrinal subjects of the Orthodox Church: it deals with faith, God, the Church, baptism and the resurrection of the dead. The second section, devoted to moral topics, talks about the ten commandments of the Old Testament, the Beatitudes, love for God and love for one's neighbor, sin and repentance, questions of family ethics, raising children, and the position of women in the Church. The third section deals with prayer and worship, the temple and icons, the church calendar and church holidays, the Sacraments and rites. The book can be used for both pre-baptismal and post-baptismal catechesis. It will be of interest to everyone who wants to systematize their knowledge of the Orthodox Church.

Product Information

AuthorMetropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk (Alfeyev)
Publication date2021-01-20
Num. of pages273

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